Saturday, July 16, 2005

Acapella Reunion June 2005

Kim Milius, Susan Clouse, Dana Shumway, Me, Rashel Kartchner and Natalie Petrini (all maiden names--because that is how I think of us in Acapella!)

Thursday, July 07, 2005

This was my most favorite place I visited on our trip to Italy. It is called Manarola and it is in Cinque Terre- five cities terraced on the side of a mountain overlooking the Mediterrean. I am already planning my next trip to Italy. But this time I suppose I'll take David since it is where his family is from! Also Gina and Rob are coming also. We are planning a trip to Northern Italy to stay with relatives and then off the see the sights. Hopefully, David's cousin Charlene will come along and show us Greece because she is familiar with the country and is also fluent in Greek.