Sunday, May 21, 2006

Tonight David and I went to the Stake Center to see Benjamin receive his Stake President's Honor Award. He was one of only a relatively few students who receive this award each year. It is earned by completing these requirements: Grade of "A" and "H" for the year; 90% attendance; Consecutive Scripture Reading; Read the entire text for the year; Memorize 25 mastery scriptures; demonstrate personal worthiness. We are so "Proud" of him. OOPs...I'm not supposed to use that word. We learned in R.S. today that there is no "good" use of that word. We should change any feeling of pride that we have into a feeling of gratitude. So... I am so "Grateful" that Ben is worthy to receive this award. I am so "Grateful" that he is setting a good example for his younger brothers and sister. I am so "Grateful" that he has a desire to do what is right and is willing to do what it takes to accomplish his goals. I am a "Grateful" Mom!!!!


Mary said...

Diane, You should be grateful and proud. Ben is a wonderful young man and as our oldest grandchild is setting the example for all 30 that follow him. I am amazed at how well he treats everyone, including his brothers and sister. You are great parents! Keep it up. Love, Mom

AliceK[i]ND said...

I have to say I'm not surprised Ben got such an award. He is a great young man! You must be doing something right. :)